Review: Yung Curry ‘Medicine’
About Yung Curry:
Yung Curry, also known as Ash is an independent artist from San Diego. He began to create music as a way to express emotions - he believes that music is a figure of speech and its own language in itself. Yung Curry creates hip-hip, Rap, Neo-soul and R&B rap. He wants to be remembered through his music and leave a lasting impression on the world.
Yung Curry’s track ‘DREAM’ reached 10K on Spotify and hopes to continue growing his music career.
About Medicine:
According to Yung Curry, “the song Medicine is about a girl that will never understand me but she’s still stuck in my head like medicine.”
He explained further, “I was going for a light-hearted song that people could relate to. As an artist, I just want people to have a good time and create music that people can relate to.”
June 5th, Yung Curry released his new video for the newest hit-song ‘Medicine’,
The opening scene to the video starts at a diner giving it a very vintage vibe. The Jute box and the old timey scheme also gives the mid to late 1900 era when kids would go to the diner for a date, before or after a movie, or even just to hang out. Like in the movie Grease or many old movies based in that time. The video definitely hits the “ light-hearted song” Yung Curry was going for, that people can relate to.
Throughout the whole video it is based in the diner, giving it a modern but old feel as it goes on. The song itself, an upbeat hip-hop vibe, also makes you want to get up and dance along. While listening to it it hit a little close to home too, and I’m sure people have gone through the “they are still stuck in my head, why can’ I get them out’ scenario and it is not easy, the song shines a light on that type of issue people go through that is not talked about enough!
Yung Curry has hit that relatable, light-hearted song and we cannot wait to hear more from him!
Listen Medicine here!
Watch the video below!
Yung Curry ‘Medicine’ video